What is a plan? Some say it is an intention about what one wants to do. We say a detailed proposal for achieving a goal. On September the 18th we unveiled what our plan is and where we setting our sights on.
The event had a great atmosphere, we enjoyed hosting such a large grouping of people with the same interests as us. Therefore, we would like to acknowledge our sponsors as without them none of this would be possible, also to the blend brothers as, without them, we would have all been hungry.
For those that came to our event, they saw our vision in the form of the “Vision” and improved charging. The Vision, our concept car. A physical representation of a design we have been thinking about for over half a decade was showcased to the public for the first time with an unbelievable response. Our guests were ecstatic, making us more motivated than ever. We will use this positive energy on making the Vision work.